Monday 4 August 2014

Ignorance not an Excuse: Bf Suma

There is not much problem when things you have been informed about start to HAPPEN. For instance the book of Matthew Chapter 24:7 states that "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." what do you understand by this statement? do our leaders and their religious supporters really depend on the BIBLE to take decisions?

Dont panic because you are hearing of a new kind of deadly disease. the scripture in the Book of Matthew 24:8 states that click to read

therefore what you need to do in the case of Ebola Killer Disease just out is to
Avoid direct contact with people who are already affected by the disease,
Run away from Bush Meat that is not properly cooked,
Always wash your hand after a warm friendly hand-shake.

Take note that 
  1. Casual contact in public places with people that do not appear to be sick do not transmit Ebola. 
  2. One cannot contract Ebola virus by handling money, groceries or swimming in a pool. 
  3. Mosquitoes do not transmit the Ebola virus. – National Center For Disease Control, India
Based on these facts i would advise you not to panic. or start removing the zinc of your roof because you have just been informed that a heavy wind is blowing of roofs in your area. and because you dont want the zinc of your roof to be destroyed, you just start removing it. instead
  • breathe easy, 
  • sleep better. 
  • No need to chew your nails in anxiety. This Ebola may likely not come to your end except if you deliberately expose yourself to unsafe conditions.
Take simple precautions; keep a hand sanitizer in your bag or pocket and use sparingly. Eat like you normally would but be sure to cook animal products properly. While you are at it, spread hope, not fear.

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