Friday 22 August 2014

What You Must Know About Sex Life

Why sex is important in an intimate relationship?

"Sex" weights differently to different couples. Nevertheless, sex is inseparable from a healthy intimate relationship. Sexual expression is an inherent and obviously pleasurable experience for most people. It is part of living and loving and growing together.

What are the common sexual problems affecting Women?

Nowadays, women are taking more and more significant role in the society and family. They are subjected to the enormous pressure and burden from work and family life. For examples, work stress, pregnancy, childbirth, raising children that may disturb their life style and induce common problems which may affect their sexual performance such as prolonged tiredness, vaginitis, hormonal imbalances, loss of sex desires etc. Vagina, the secret of intimate relationship, is prone to a lot of risk. For instance, decrease of vaginal immunity and lose of elasticity.

What are the Common sexual problems affecting Men?

Sexual problem or sexual dysfunction can occur in adults of all ages. However, it mostly affected seniors and men with poor health or decline in vitality. 

Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire

Sex is an important element in the intimate relationship. Let's investigate your sexual health. Please choose the answer first comes into your mind.

Can Sexual Problems Be Prevented?

While sexual problems cannot be prevented, dealing with the underlying causes of the dysfunction can help you cope with the problem when it occurs.

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What is health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

How healthy are you?

When this question asked, many people would reply "I am not ill, so I am healthy". However, does "not ill" really mean "healthy”? Let's have a short test on this.

Healthy? Disease?

"Subhealth” is a new terminology appears in recent years. It is "a state between health and disease when all necessary physical and chemical indexes are tested negative by medical equipments.”

How to stay healthy?

Human body is certainly a masterpiece of nature that we were born with immunity and self-healing ability. Though our body complexities cannot be fully understood, health scientists have found out the major factors affecting our health, generally speaking, can be categorized as follows. 

ArthroXtra™ Tablets
Deeply Nourish Joint for more motion
“You will never walk al...
“You will never walk alone, Kenyans” --- Hunger Relief Fundraising by BF Suma (Kenya)
The most severe drought ever happened in the past 60 years is now affecting...

Saturday 16 August 2014

Are You Looking For A Job?

Get the Platform, Products,Training and Support.
All Ready at BF SUMA

To start your business and aim for success, you would need to find the right market and products, acquire the necessary skills, have a good platform and efficient system support. BF Suma has it all ready for you.

Health is important to all and health products is a continuously expanding business nowadays. BF Suma provides excellent quality health supplements with the support of a strong R&D and quality assurance team.

By becoming a BF Suma Distributor, you may join various training courses locally as well as in overseas countries to acquire all the skills you need to be the successful man / woman: from the essential Sales & Marketing Plan, to business planning, leadership, presentation skills, team building, event organization techniques, time management, and so on.

As BF Suma Distributor, you are never alone!  BF Suma is a big family where you have support not only from your network, but also from the local office, training team, R&D team, quality assurance team, as well as advanced backend IT systems ready for your business development.

Everything for your successful business and greater life is ready at BF Suma, what are you waiting for?  Contact your nearest BF Suma office and kick off your business NOW!

To find your nearest BF Suma office address and contact information, please write to us at You can also call Agbonlahor on 08171749029

Friday 15 August 2014


A huge asteroid spinning at an "impossible" rate is hurtling toward Earth, on track to wipe out human life - but not until 16 March, 2880.
Asteroid 1950 DA has a one-in-300 chance of hitting the globe on the appointed day. Although that may sound like slim odds, it is the most likely asteroid to collide with our planet.
Researchers at the University of Tennessee are not taking any chances, studying the asteroid for indications of how best to throw it off its course.
According to their research, published in the science journal Nature, the asteroid has a diameter of one kilometre and is travelling at nine miles a second relative to the Earth.
It is also rotating so fast - once every 2 hours and six minutes - that it "defies gravity". Rotation at that speed should cause the space rock to fly apart, but cohesive forces called van der Waals are holding it together. These forces have never before been detected on an asteroid.
This information is credited to

Monday 11 August 2014

BF Suma is one outstanding MLM You Would Like To Join

The Most Successful!
The Most Scientific!
The Most Easy-to-Operate!

The key to success for any business depends on a well-developed business foundation and managing structure. BF Suma is one outstanding example that demonstrates this logic.We offer premium quality products and intelligent marketing plan to couple with a global managing style.

What distinguishes BF Suma from other direct selling sales businesses is that we care for the well-being of our distributors. We strongly believe that the success of the Company heavily depends on the faith to the business and the good fortune in the life of our distributors. To show the Company's commitment to its belief, this vision has been cleverly incorporated into the development of our products and the business structure: the products are developed to improve their health; the business is aimed to enrich their lifestyle.

By becoming our distributor, you have already taken a huge step towards a successful career and a more satisfying life. The BF Suma Sales & Marketing Plan is generated to help you realize the Company vision and to tell you the secret to success in BF Suma's Direct Sales Business. It is a compass to the path for a bright future right ahead of you.

To undertand how BF Suma's Sales & Marketing Plan can help you improve your life and achieve your goals, no matter they are to gain health, wealth, success or true happiness in life, simply contact the BF Suma office, or directly join the Opportunity Presentation Seminar of BF Suma in your country!

To find your nearest BF Suma office address and contract information, please write to us at
or call Agbonlahor on 08171749029

Start your successful journey Today!

What It Means To Be a BF SUMA's Distributor

  To start your business and aim for success, you would need to find the right market and products, acquire the necessary skills, have a good platform and efficient system support. BF Suma has it all ready for you.

Health is important to all and health products is a continuously expanding business nowadays. BF Suma provides excellent quality health supplements with the support of a strong R&D and quality assurance team.

By becoming a BF Suma Distributor, you may join various training courses locally as well as in overseas countries to acquire all the skills you need to be the successful man / woman: from the essential Sales & Marketing Plan, to business planning, leadership, presentation skills, team building, event organization techniques, time management, and so on. 

As BF Suma Distributor, you are never alone!  BF Suma is a big family where you have support not only from your network, but also from the local office, training team, R&D team, quality assurance team, as well as advanced backend IT systems ready for your business development.

Everything for your successful business and greater life is ready at BF Suma, what are you waiting for?  Contact your nearest BF Suma office and kick off your business NOW!

To find your nearest BF Suma office address and contact information, please write to us at
But if you are in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, call 08171749029


Monday 4 August 2014

Ignorance not an Excuse: Bf Suma

There is not much problem when things you have been informed about start to HAPPEN. For instance the book of Matthew Chapter 24:7 states that "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." what do you understand by this statement? do our leaders and their religious supporters really depend on the BIBLE to take decisions?

Dont panic because you are hearing of a new kind of deadly disease. the scripture in the Book of Matthew 24:8 states that click to read

therefore what you need to do in the case of Ebola Killer Disease just out is to
Avoid direct contact with people who are already affected by the disease,
Run away from Bush Meat that is not properly cooked,
Always wash your hand after a warm friendly hand-shake.

Take note that 
  1. Casual contact in public places with people that do not appear to be sick do not transmit Ebola. 
  2. One cannot contract Ebola virus by handling money, groceries or swimming in a pool. 
  3. Mosquitoes do not transmit the Ebola virus. – National Center For Disease Control, India
Based on these facts i would advise you not to panic. or start removing the zinc of your roof because you have just been informed that a heavy wind is blowing of roofs in your area. and because you dont want the zinc of your roof to be destroyed, you just start removing it. instead
  • breathe easy, 
  • sleep better. 
  • No need to chew your nails in anxiety. This Ebola may likely not come to your end except if you deliberately expose yourself to unsafe conditions.
Take simple precautions; keep a hand sanitizer in your bag or pocket and use sparingly. Eat like you normally would but be sure to cook animal products properly. While you are at it, spread hope, not fear.